API Documentation

TradeOgre provides an easy to use API for anyone to access the market. Requests are made using standard HTTP and responses are returned in JSON format.

The endpoint used for API calls is https://tradeogre.com/api/v1 with methods appended.

Public API

These API calls do not require any authentication.

List Markets
Method (GET)
Retrieve a listing of all markets and basic information including current price, volume, high, low, bid and ask.
Example Response
Get Order Book
Method (GET)
Retrieve the current order book for {market} such as XMR-BTC.
Example Response
Get Ticker
Method (GET)
Retrieve the ticker for {market}, volume, high, and low are in the last 24 hours, initialprice is the price from 24 hours ago.
Example Response
Get Trade History
Method (GET)
Retrieve the history of the last trades on {market} limited to 100 of the most recent trades. The date is a Unix UTC timestamp.
Example Response

Private API

API keys will need to be generated for these API calls. To generate an API key, go into your account settings and click on Generate New API Keys. Remember to only store these API keys in a secure location. API keys can be removed from your account and new ones can be generated.

To authenticate, pass your API keys with basic authentication in the HTTP request, for example in curl use: -u '{public}:{private}'

Submit Buy Order
Method (POST)
POST Fields
market quantity price
Submit a buy order to the order book for a market. The success status will be false if there is an error, and error will contain the error message. Your available buy and sell balance for the market will be returned if successful. If your order is successful but not fully fulfilled, the order is placed onto the order book and you will receive a uuid for the order.
Example Response
Submit Sell Order
Method (POST)
POST Fields
market quantity price
Submit a sell order to the order book for a market. The success status will be false if there is an error, and error will contain the error message. Your available buy and sell balance for the market will be returned if successful. If your order is successful but not fully fulfilled, the order is placed onto the order book and you will receive a uuid for the order.
Example Response
Cancel Order
Method (POST)
POST Fields
Cancel an order on the order book based on the order uuid. The uuid parameter can also be set to all and all of your orders will be cancelled across all markets.
Example Response
Get Orders
Method (POST)
POST Fields
Retrieve the active orders under your account. The market field is optional, and leaving it out will return all orders in every market. date is a Unix UTC timestamp.
Example Response
Get Order
Method (GET)
Retrieve information about a specific order by the uuid of the order. date is a Unix UTC timestamp. If an order was 100% fulfilled, it will be removed and this api method will return a 'Order not found' error message, so your app must take this into account if it needs to determine if an order was completed.
Example Response
Get Balance
Method (POST)
POST Fields
Get the balance of a specific currency for you account. The currency field is required, such as BTC. The total balance is returned and the available balance is what can be used in orders or withdrawn.
Example Response
Get Balances
Method (GET)
Retrieve all balances for your account.
Example Response